What is Open Origami

Origami is an open source initiative focused on providing solutions to fill the gaps detected on component based technologies and create seamless experiences for frontend developers.

Origami Principles

In open origami we believe in open source contributions as a way to improve processes and products. We are guided by three fundamental principles of creation.

Propose new ways to face frontend problems in a different and creative manner
Contribute to the community and does not aim to compete with current solutions
Offer developers new tools and frameworks to get more productive experiences

Origami Products

Open origami offers a collection of products dealing with different concerns of component based architectures. The space of solutions can be divided into four competency levels.

Origami General Architecture

The Chameleon Edition

We are in the Chamaleon Edition of the Origami initiative. Chameleon is a JS Framework to develop component oriented architectures based on adaptation strategies

Friendly Technologies

Open Origami does not aim to compete with other frontend frameworks and solutions. Instead, it points to integrates properly with them. The following are some Origami friendly solutions.